2018年12月25日 星期二

Facing the Past

Had a rough couple of days.

Couldn't heal myself quickly enough this time.

Been denying myself.

Belittling myself.

Quite pathetic actually.

Drown in agonized memories.

Faced some past-time friends.

Those that became unfortunately awkard.

Made amends and apologised.

No one actually held a grudge that long, surprisingly.

May not be as close anymore,

but the small chats were pleasant.

Reminds us of why we got along so well at some points in life.

One of them was P.

This was actually something quite new.

I've never been able to really talk to an ex like this before.

Without passion. Just really good friends that are used to each other.

I sound like an old mumbling hag though.

Maybe the shrinks were right.

By forgiving someone in the past, you also forgive yourself.

