We can not move forward with too much memories,but we may lose direction without them.Release the memories in the Bottle, just keeping one piece of them in mind.
原來是你啊:P哇這去年寫的東西了!!(FB的追蹤系統好爛~到現在還在同步我的網誌...lag真大= =+)現在已經逐漸淡忘當初寫下的動機跟感覺了,這不曉得是好事還壞事><
We can not move forward with too much memories,
回覆刪除but we may lose direction without them.
Release the memories in the Bottle,
just keeping one piece of them in mind.
(FB的追蹤系統好爛~到現在還在同步我的網誌...lag真大= =+)