『ln view, a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villainby the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity...is a vestige of the vox populi,now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitationof a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venaland virulent vermin vanguarding vice... and vouchsafing the violently viciousand voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance,a vendetta...held as a votive not in vain,for the value and veracity of such...shall one day vindicate the vigilantand the virtuous. verily, this vichyssoise of verbiageveers most verbose. So let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you... ...and you may call me V.』
→ 看到這一段 "V對艾薇的自我介紹"真是讓我對V(或者應該說是編劇)的文學造詣佩服到五體頭地!...XD 能夠用上這麼多v開頭的字真是了不起啊!但真正讓我感到Orz的卻是艾薇的下一句:『Are you, like, a crazy person?』...好可憐的V,白費了這麼多唇舌...= =
讓我最感動的是電影最後眾多倫敦民眾一同帶上V的面具走上街頭響應他的那一幕。雖然"以暴制暴"的行為個人不是很推崇,但就像V所說的:Violence can be used for good. 片中女主角艾薇和V兩人在對人生體會上的改變也相當的微妙,讓我看了兩次之後仍不斷思索,認識V讓艾薇了解 her life wasn't the only thing she had. 而V則因為艾薇將革命背後的仇恨轉化為單純的正義力量,或許每個革命先烈的背後都有著不可告人的動機和秘密吧...
*Perfume *Just Like Heaven *Thief Lord *Cars *Night At The Museum *The Pacifier *Bridge To Terabithia *Eragon *Happy Feet *Monster House *Mr. Bean's Holiday *Pirates 2 - Dead Man's Chest ←討厭啦...被眼尖的蛋蛋發現了>////< *The Devil Wears Prada *Hoot *Flushed Away *V For Vendetta *13 Going On 30 *Charlotte's Web *Tokyo Drift *Initial D
→最後兩部是陪我弟看的= =
我想這個暑假這張表應該會不斷地增加吧...XD 把以前沒看的都看回來...其中我還蠻推薦【V For Vendetta】的,看了很感動,這裡有我的心得。