Dear Emily,
This manuscript made me laugh out loud, too! I can certainly see what inspired you to take this text on. The rhythm among the eggs is quite enjoyable, as well as is the quirkiness of the story. However, I just am unable to envision this text as a complete picture book. A significant portion of the text is dialogue about the static image of the kiwi, and I am not sure if there is enough action or conflict for an engaging set of illustrations.
The author’s tone and humor does have great appeal, and I would welcome the opportunity to see future manuscripts from her. I wish you the best of luck in finding a home for this manuscript, and thank you for thinking of me in connection with it.
Warm regards,
Lisa Cheng
Associate Editor
Margaret K. McElderry Books
& Schuster
1230 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
212.698.2761 Fax: 212.698.2796
不是因為我已經失去理智,而是因為雖然它是拒絕信,但這個主編的評語還蠻正面的,就算她只是為了安慰我,我也認了...連Emily都表示這封信在未來is very useful,因為主編已經表示對我其他的作品有興趣:『...and I would welcome the opportunity to see future manuscripts from her.』這在出版界等於是打開了大門,對我未來的其他作品將很有幫助。