2011年8月30日 星期二


Still think about us sometimes.

Guess every memory has its own color and shape.

Our memories soothed me when I'm most fragile.

They remind me of the happiness I once had.

Even though it left a scar in the back of my mind that still stings from time to time.

It's been so long.

We must have both grown.

I wish you safe from all the sorrows I had to endure, deerest,

and pray that you would never hurt anyone the way I've been injured.

I believe you won't :)

I miss those truthful days, when things are just the way I believe them to be...

There's much to talk about, almost too much to begin with.


This post has been saved as a draft in my blog for over a year.

I was never brave enough to publish it...to say certain things out loud.

Don't know why I do it now.

Maybe it's just time to spit it out.


